GROW Ag Data Locker

We Believe You Should be Rewarded!

GROW Ag Data Locker

You are already collecting a variety of on-farm data and often sharing with suppliers that are using your data to their advantage with little to no return to you. At Landus, we think that needs to stop! Get signed up with the GROW Ag Data Locker.

The GROW Ag Data Locker is a farmer-focused data platform designed to secure farmer data, simplify the process of data collection and organization, and enable farmers to monetize and best leverage their data for on-farm improvements. The GROW Ag Data Locker built by Landus ensures that farm data is stored in a locally controlled and easy-to-navigate environment where the farmer holds the keys to access.

Harvest is coming to a close, and our Landus GROW Solutions Center is going to be working with farmers that are participating to start helping to enter your data. If you are still finishing in the field and don’t have the time for a quick connect, we can at least get you signed up to participate and collect this data later.

This first step is simple – you will need an account on the Landus customer portal. Once signed up, confirm your participation in the GROW Ag Data Locker to opt-in via the “Data Locker” tab on the left side of the screen, or you can call the GROW Solutions Center (515)-800-GROW to complete this step for you. Click here to get started!

Don’t wait, join the GROW Ag Data Locker now to get your jump-start!